Kamikaze Jan
Kamikaze Jan
Jan Kruska says
Jan believes:
It reminded me so much of someone else. The wacked out mother who showed up on GirlChat recently explaining that her boyfriend got together with her because he was a pedophile and wanted her daughter. He had done it to another woman and her daughter before her. And now after molesting the 10 year old, Frianne is trying to figure out how to hold on to him when he gets out of jail. OMG They all seem to be the same! Look at this grandma, she's upset that her son is in jail. she admits that he did it but says "it was a psychological error on his part" She goes on to say that
The mainstream perception that these people are indifferent and insensitive to the very real abuse that children have suffered is born out by their own actions, and I believe there could hardly be a more blatant example of their remarkable unwillingness to take responsibility for their own conduct. We have dubbed this ‘blame gaming’ but a more proper term would be sociopathic.
And yet, we aren't the only ones bickering with these guys. We aren't the only ones who think these people are wack jobs. Take the case of Erika

p3rl_script wrote to David Coffman, owner of SOSEN about her concerns regarding CEO Shirley Lowery.
"I have decided to withdraw my membership from SOSEN as a result of Shirley's destructive messages and psychotic leadership skills.
She is hurting people and she will drag you and others down with her if allowed to continue, she is severely unstable mentally and has no understanding just how damaging her behavior is when she is allowed to continue inciting nonsense with no consequences for her asinine actions."
And to Shirley herself she says:
"Your one step away from having the FBI on your tail, with the type of content your allowing to be posted and the type of things you write about.
I cannot and will not be associated with the "Illegal" and "unlawful" type of activity your advocating for by encouraging and promoting it on your Yahoo Group SOSEN.
It is extremely stupid and you are placing any one in connection with you and SOSEN in danger of being arrested for whatever the government can get you for in regards to inciting people and encouraging illegal activity in violation of both state and federal laws.
The kind of behavior you are promoting and allowing to occur is EXTREMELY dangerous and self-defeating and I shall take NO part in it.
You have no idea (seemingly) of the harm and damage your doing to the very people you think you are helping! Your like a predator who preys on peoples fears causing them to react.

Erika promptly formed the Families in Social Crisis Legal Defense group.
But she also formed a yahoo group called jessicamarielunsfordfoundation
Using this name she wrote propaganda
and wild rants to newspaper articles

And her profession

All of us here at AZ and in the entire Anti community each have our own reasons for being here. Some of us were sexually abused as children or know someone who was. Some of us came to this due to attacks by online pedophile terrorists. But the common thread that binds us is the obligation we feel.
When someone like a Margie Slagle, an Ohio Attorney and board member of SoClear, mocks child sexual abuse via harassing emails, or when a Jan Kruska mocks a child sexual abuse survivor, some of us just shake our heads in disbelief as we watch her downward spiral. Others say "this will never do"
Meet Kamikaze Jan

HT Jacey
"hate doesn’t solve anything, neither does revenge. Hate and vengeance is for the simple minded and it is a cop out. It is taking the easy way out. It is also the fast track to the inevitable next future disaster"So what's so wrong about that statement? Jan only applies it to people who have sexually offended against others. That's what.
Jan believes:
"While sexual abuse is despicable there are indeed things that are much worse in life"Jan also believes that children don't report when they are abused for fear that their abuser will be removed from the home."those on the sex offender registry have suffered great losses.......the right to live where you want and feel safe in your person and in your home""The scarlett [sic] letter is real and is about to be placed squarely on the foreheads of those responsible for this American travesty that is the sex offender registry"
It reminded me so much of someone else. The wacked out mother who showed up on GirlChat recently explaining that her boyfriend got together with her because he was a pedophile and wanted her daughter. He had done it to another woman and her daughter before her. And now after molesting the 10 year old, Frianne is trying to figure out how to hold on to him when he gets out of jail. OMG They all seem to be the same! Look at this grandma, she's upset that her son is in jail. she admits that he did it but says "it was a psychological error on his part" She goes on to say that
"I know he is sorry and will never do it again....He should not have to pay so dearly, he did'nt kill ...and it was the result of the two girls(his) constantly sexually active since 11, and flaunting it in his face, when his wife did'nt like sex, he was in need"She just fit right into that den at SOSEN didn't she? Even Shirley Lowery agrees as a matter of fact
"I grew up in an abusive home and I kept my mouth shut. Now that I am older and wiser I know without a doubt that I did the right thing then and would do the same again. Virtue has little meaning to a child who likes a roof over their head and food to put in their belly"But then what can you expect, as she also said:
Poor Pathetic Ignorant AmericansAll that talk about blaming and finger pointing led me back a ways. I thought about Jan's religious intolerance. And I thought about her dishonesty and her belief that parents of murdered children are the ones who should be blamed rather than the person who commits the act.John Walsh has single-handedly destroyed more US children than any other individual in history
Americans can be incredibly stupid.The Miami police department has set the stage. No action was required but their reaction equaled that of a national crisis. The public has a right to know
John Walsh is not the only person to lose a child under tragic circumstances. He has been in a rage for a quarter of a century. Now we are being asked to pick up an astronomical tab to immortalize his son. I wouldn't give a dime. I learned what manure is a long time ago so I walk around it rather than stepping in it.Each of us has the capability of being an abuser and many thousands of you are active abusers. How dare you sit back and point your finger and judge yourself as being a better person. You aren’t.
Home of the brave? No, a nation of whimps whose answer to everything is placing the blame elsewhere.
"The common thread with all of these cases is that the parents were living less than, shall we say, good moral lifestyles....."I believe that these people, the Shirley Lowery’s and Jan Kruska’s and Tom Madison’s don’t know what responsibility is. Tom as CEO of SoClear believes that randomly attacking uninvolved people and knowingly libeling them, accusing them of things which they did not do, is appropriate behavior. He even goes so far as to demean the serious topic of child sexual abuse by calling Jan’s actions a mere game of "sticks ‘n stones”.
Sex offenders aren’t born sex offenders. They are created. They are a bi-product of society and the sooner we ALL start taking responsibility the better chance we all have of protecting our kids and having, NO MORE VICTIMS
The mainstream perception that these people are indifferent and insensitive to the very real abuse that children have suffered is born out by their own actions, and I believe there could hardly be a more blatant example of their remarkable unwillingness to take responsibility for their own conduct. We have dubbed this ‘blame gaming’ but a more proper term would be sociopathic.
And yet, we aren't the only ones bickering with these guys. We aren't the only ones who think these people are wack jobs. Take the case of Erika

"I have decided to withdraw my membership from SOSEN as a result of Shirley's destructive messages and psychotic leadership skills.
She is hurting people and she will drag you and others down with her if allowed to continue, she is severely unstable mentally and has no understanding just how damaging her behavior is when she is allowed to continue inciting nonsense with no consequences for her asinine actions."

And to Shirley herself she says:
"Your one step away from having the FBI on your tail, with the type of content your allowing to be posted and the type of things you write about.
I cannot and will not be associated with the "Illegal" and "unlawful" type of activity your advocating for by encouraging and promoting it on your Yahoo Group SOSEN.
It is extremely stupid and you are placing any one in connection with you and SOSEN in danger of being arrested for whatever the government can get you for in regards to inciting people and encouraging illegal activity in violation of both state and federal laws.
The kind of behavior you are promoting and allowing to occur is EXTREMELY dangerous and self-defeating and I shall take NO part in it.
You have no idea (seemingly) of the harm and damage your doing to the very people you think you are helping! Your like a predator who preys on peoples fears causing them to react.

Erika promptly formed the Families in Social Crisis Legal Defense group.
But she also formed a yahoo group called jessicamarielunsfordfoundation

Using this name she wrote propaganda
and wild rants to newspaper articles

She told us about her past

And her profession
And her hobbies

All of us here at AZ and in the entire Anti community each have our own reasons for being here. Some of us were sexually abused as children or know someone who was. Some of us came to this due to attacks by online pedophile terrorists. But the common thread that binds us is the obligation we feel.
When someone like a Margie Slagle, an Ohio Attorney and board member of SoClear, mocks child sexual abuse via harassing emails, or when a Jan Kruska mocks a child sexual abuse survivor, some of us just shake our heads in disbelief as we watch her downward spiral. Others say "this will never do"
Meet Kamikaze Jan
HT Jacey
Labels: Jan Kruska, Operation Awareness, Shirley Lowery, SoClear
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